Therapeutic astrology is the use of planetary and cosmic symbolism, their meaning and how their interpretations can support the evolution of our consciousness and psyche. Using your natal or birth chart, we look at your unique cosmic configuration through the houses, planets and transits in the zodiac to better understand themes and issues occurring in your mental and emotional development. Therapeutic astrology is a transpersonal psychology, allowing us to understand ourselves through the lens of astrological symbolism.
Therapeutic astrology is NOT fortune telling, and it is NOT used to predict the future, it is instead a tool for depth psychology that supports spiritual metamorphosis, We have the option of using the information from a birth chart to support our abilities to reflect on choices and options in our life's journey, which can support our attitudes and behaviors. The goal with this depth therapy is to enhance equanimity, freedom from anxiety, and peace of mind when one understands their place in the universe. We can use therapeutic astrology to address the existentialism of one's life, which may support permanent change in perception and behaviors of life, leading to satisfaction and fulfillment of one's purpose.
Famous Swiss psychologist Carl Jung would use astrology regularly with his patients to examine symbolic interpretations of the cosmos with patient psyche development. Using the birth chart he would look for patterns in the cosmos and the patients human development, giving him the ability to utilize the natal chart (birth chart) as a blueprint for each client's unfolding.
Practical uses of therapeutic astrology in psychological therapy:
Analysis of current challenges
Learning and integrating past and present stressors
Supporting clients going through a spiritual crisis
Deeper understanding of one's personality and self
A new perspective on patterns present in ones life
Provide a map of one's human evolution through a transpersonal lens
Looking at unconscious patterns of thought, emotions or behaviors through this lens
Support choices appropriate for one's personality according to unconscious astrological patterns
Exploring experiences one has gone through or is going through to support additional perspective.
The goal with astrology therapy is to provide an interpretation through astrology, where influences outside of our control have played a role and how we might work with those influences to create adjustments for control.